New Mural

Fisher’s Barbershop are proud to unveil the fantastic new shop mural by Aroma Designs. Click below to check out the full gallery.

Lego Superheroes Mural
Lego Superheroes Mural

We hope you enjoy the Lego Superheroes design and will come in and check it out soon for your next haircut.

Movember – Caring for your moustache

So by now you have hopefully gotten past the itchy stage and have got a good growth on your moustache. So how do you keep it looking good so people don’t start handing you warm drinks and pocket change in the street….

Did you know… the average moustache can soak up to 20% of the liquid it’s owner consumes. Therefore unless you are drinking soapy water, the chances are your moustache is going to get pretty gross, pretty quickly and that’s without the additional food you are keeping in there for later. Therefore cleanliness is important, or you may be prone to some pretty icky infections and start to smell a bit like cheese.

milk moustache

Foods to particularly avoid:

  • Milk based drinks.
  • Fairground food like Toffee apples, donuts and candyfloss… Sticky!
  • Chilli… It burns!

Shampoo and condition your facial hair as you would (well should!) with the rest of your hair. Keeping your tache clean will not just be hygienic, but will also help ease the itchys.


Don’t use styling products or you will be sniffing on the chemicals all day and will probably end up with a headache pretty sharpish. Stick to natural substances and vegetable based oils to tame any frizz. but don’t overdo it or you will end up with something resembling a slug crawling over your top lip.

Invest in either a proper moustache comb or a children’s toothbrush to tame those ends and don’t be tempted to using hair straighteners to give you a bit of a style… You’ll burn your face and we’ll have no sympathy for you.

longest moustache

Fast fact: The longest moustache measures 4.29 m (14 ft) and belongs to Ram Singh Chauhan (India). It was measured in Rome, Italy, on 4 March 2010.

This champion moustachioed fellow regularly massages his moustache with mustard and coconut oil to keep it healthy…. Coconut Oil is a great product which will keep your growth soft, shiny and smelling awesome…. frankly we’re not too sure about the mustard though, so we don’t recommend you start slapping Colmans on your face!

Movember – Getting past the itchy stage

Day six and you’re probably starting to get pretty itchy by now as your moustache starts to kick in. This stage usually lasts from a few days in, until after you’ve reached the two week mark, depending on how quickly your hair grows.

Itchy lip

So what can you do to reduce that itch?

  • DON’T Scratch…. You’ll damage the skin, causing it to become inflamed and more itchy. Plus there’s the added bonus of germs under your nails getting into the skin around your mouth….. Nice
  • DON’T Use cream or lotions as they can contain alcohol which can get trapped under the hairs and cause further itching.
  • DON’T Use face scrubs as they can contain particles which can again get trapped under the hairs and more irritation.
  • DO Wash you face with a nice gentle shampoo and conditioner when you’re in the shower.
  • DO Soak your face with a hot wash cloth to soften the pores and ease the roots.
  • DO Use a dab of baby oil, jojoba or coconut oil on trouble areas.
  • DO Trim the hairs around the corners of your mouth to stop the hairs rubbing when you eat and talk


  • DO Man up and power through!

Did you know… In a deck of cards the king of hearts is the only king without a moustache.