Day six and you’re probably starting to get pretty itchy by now as your moustache starts to kick in. This stage usually lasts from a few days in, until after you’ve reached the two week mark, depending on how quickly your hair grows.
So what can you do to reduce that itch?
- DON’T Scratch…. You’ll damage the skin, causing it to become inflamed and more itchy. Plus there’s the added bonus of germs under your nails getting into the skin around your mouth….. Nice
- DON’T Use cream or lotions as they can contain alcohol which can get trapped under the hairs and cause further itching.
- DON’T Use face scrubs as they can contain particles which can again get trapped under the hairs and more irritation.
- DO Wash you face with a nice gentle shampoo and conditioner when you’re in the shower.
- DO Soak your face with a hot wash cloth to soften the pores and ease the roots.
- DO Use a dab of baby oil, jojoba or coconut oil on trouble areas.
- DO Trim the hairs around the corners of your mouth to stop the hairs rubbing when you eat and talk
- DO Man up and power through!
Did you know… In a deck of cards the king of hearts is the only king without a moustache.